- (775) 762-8188
- elaine@emk-consultants.com
Nurse Triage Alternative Transportation Community Paramedics
Our mission is to inspire healthier communities by connecting people to the right health care resources
Did you know that approximately 15-25% of medical 911 calls are not emergencies at all?
The person calling 911 may believe there is an emergency, or they may not know how else to request medical help. This use of 911 can cause a serious strain on community resources.
What can you do about this problem?
- Educate your community about your local opportunities for improvement and introduce solutions.
- Empower decision makers to support improvement of traditional medical responses to medical calls that are not emergent.
- Look at data to see if this is something your city/county/community wants to pursue.
- Evaluate available pathways for callers that help them get to safe and efficient care while lowering cost of care.
We can help your community
EMK Consultants is empowering communities to improve traditional responses to medical calls that are not emergencies using safe, friendly and efficient pathways.
Plus, you will be impressed with the savings your community will earn!
Sometimes people are not sure how to get medical help or they are not sure if they are having an emergency.
Nurse Triage can help patients with non-emergent symptoms find the most appropriate cost-effective care. This helps ease overcrowded emergency departments and overuse of ambulance transports.
Not everyone who calls 911 for an ambulance requires an emergency room.
If a safe alternative was available, it would help improve overcrowded emergency departments and get patients to appropriate care at a lower cost.
Being admitted or re-admitted to the hospital is something everyone wants to avoid.
Professional focused care with specially trained paramedics will help keep at-risk patients home.
Areas of Potential Savings
One program published an 84% Return on Investment over 4 years by focusing on:
Avoidable Emergency Department Visits
Preventable Ambulance Transports
Avoidable hospital readmissions
Our services
EMK Consultants provides the following tools to help your community optimize your emergency resources.
Needs Assessment
Determine and measure the gaps between where you are today and where you envision the future.
Program Development
Analyze the gaps in your needs assessment and explore options that pave the path to the future.
Operationalize chosen options utilizing current resources, or identify new resources necessary.
Develop a process to maintain the newly developed culture by balancing resources to ensure success.
Data Collection
Identify what is important to your stakeholders and develop a measurement strategy to identify successes and opportunities for improvement.
Customer Satisfaction
Validate customer satisfaction as an essential piece of the triple aim to improve care, quality and cost.
Quality Management
Ensure your program improves the quality and experience of care.
Our Partners
Get to know our industry partners

Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority
industry leader

Emergency Communication Nurse System
industry leader
about me
Elaine Messerli-Kelly, BSN RN

I have over 25 years’ experience as an RN, most of which has been in leadership roles.
I have served as the operations director of a highly successful innovation project with REMSA’s Community Health Programs in Reno NV. I now contract with REMSA as a Subject Matter Expert to these programs.
I am passionate about patient care, quality, and customer satisfaction. I love learning about different community needs along with their challenges. Working with motivated visionary teams building innovative solutions and reducing or eliminating barriers fascinates me.
For more information
If you think your community can use these saving, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will be in touch as soon as possible.